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Application for Master of Business Administration – Intake VIII – 2022/2023 [Extended]

University of Jaffna – Sri Lanka

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

Master of Business Administration

Intake VIII – 2022/2023

The Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce of the University of Jaffna is pleased to announce the commencement of the Master of Business Administration (MBA – Intake VIII) – 2022/2023 and invites applications for the admission from qualified candidates. Details of the course can be obtained from the website of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce.



A candidate seeking admission to MBA should possess at least any one of the following qualifications and exhibit a satisfactory level of English language proficiency:

  1. A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Higher Education Institution in Business/ Public Administration/ Business Management/ Commerce/ Business Administration/ Management Studies
  2.  A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Higher Education Institution including 30 credits in Business/ Public Administration/ Economics/ Commerce/Management studies
  3. A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Higher Education Institution in any discipline
    A Postgraduate Diploma in business/public administration//business management/ commerce/business administration/ management studies
  4. A Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University/ Higher Education Institution in any discipline
    A minimum of one-year post qualifying work experience in a management capacity at an organization acceptable to the Faculty Board and the Senate of the University of Jaffna
  5.  Having at least one of the approved list of professional qualifications, with a minimum of three (03) years post-qualifying work experience in a management capacity at the organization(s) acceptable to the Faculty Board and the Senate of the University of Jaffna
    1. Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK
    2. Associate member of Chartered Institute of Bankers (ACIB) UK
    3. Associate member of Chartered Institute of Bankers (AIB) Sri Lanka
    4. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
    5. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
    6. Association of Chartered & Certified Accountants (ACCA)
    7. Chartered Accountants (CA) Sri Lanka
    8. Chartered Institute of Engineers (CIE) UK/Sri Lanka
    9. Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Sri Lanka
    10. Institute of Engineers (CIE) UK/Sri Lanka
    11. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
    12. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
    13. Higher National Diploma in Accountancy/ Management/ Marketing obtained from Ceylon Technical College/ Advanced Technical Institute/ Advanced Technological Institute
    14. Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM)
    15. Charted Institute of Personal Management (CIPM)
    16. Attorney–at–Law
  6. Any other qualification/experience acceptable to the Faculty Board and the Senate of the University of Jaffna



Duration – Two years (Four (04) Semesters)
Medium of instruction – English



Investment for the MBA program is Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand (LKR 450,000.00). This can be invested in two installments as given below:

Application  :  LKR  2,000

First Year Investment  :  LKR 250,000

Second Year Investment   :  LKR 200,000



Online Application From

Paying -Voucher



The closing date for application: 20/09/2024 .  20/10/2024

Further information could be obtained through 021 221 6394 / 021 222 3610


University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka