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Business incubation Cell (BIC)

Business incubation cell (BIC) is a unit, which supports the entrepreneurial activities at different levels. It facilitates the industrial link with the University as well as the staff and student participation for industrialist accomplishments.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce is composed of the arrangements within the institution to provide assurance of learning with people’s confidence. Internal QA is considered as the corner stone of QA in higher education at our Faculty.

Industry Liaison Cell (ILC)

This cell is focused on arranging activities that ensures that our students keep up with the new trends in industrial development and management as well facilitating the students in their internship and job placement. The cell is also keen on setting up long term industrial partnerships by signing collaborative agreement.

Career Guidance Cell (CGC)

It aims at providing individual focus for students with different line of interest after their graduation. This cell is to look after the matters relating to career and employment guidance of the students. The Faculty has been formulated to address the diverse socio-economic challenges and geographic backgrounds of the heterogeneous population of students coming to the Universities vis-à-vis equity of access and placement opportunities through availability of appropriate institutional support information.

We Be Cells

We Be Cells are formed at Faculty/Unit levels to address the issues raised at the Faculty/Units. The cell identifies the psychosocial issues and well being of students and staff and initiates activities to provide a peaceful study environment and coordinate the all the departments in the faculty.